POLICIES & need-to-know info
If you require any additional information regarding our venue not found below, please do not hesitate to call our main office at 864.399.0900 during our normal business hours or email us at info@trzlive.com.
Accessible Seating is available at the top of the hill on a paved area with a railing and in the reserved seating pavilion area.
Accessible Parking is located near the main entrance to the Amphitheatre. An issued parking pass is not required as long as you have a state issued handicap license tag or an ADA hang tag placard visible to the police and parking attendants.
Accessible Restrooms
An ADA restroom is available near the main gate.
On-site parking is typically open 2 hours prior to events. Check our day-of-show info for additional details pertaining to your event.
To park, navigate to the Amphitheatre parking lot via the SE Main Street connection to Dennis Waldrop Way. Please refrain from taking Howard Drive because access from the rear entrance may be restricted. Directions
Bag policy
All bags brought into the CCNB Amphitheatre must be clear.
Bag Requirements:
14” x 14” x 6” or smaller
All bags may be subject to screening.
Bag policies are subject to change based on event.
Please check our day-of-show info prior to your arrival to see your event's specific bag policy.
If you have an inquiry regarding an unclaimed item, please call our main office at 864.399.0900 during our normal
business hours or email us:
prohibited items
Aerosol Cans
Outside Alcoholic Beverages
Cameras with Removable Lenses
Picnic Baskets
Items PROHIBITED in the venue:
Illegal Drugs
Laser Pens & Pointers
Noise-Making Devices
Outside Food & Drink
Video or Recording Devices
Management reserves the right to deem other unlisted items inappropriate or dangerous in the venue.
Please check the website on the day of show for other restrictions.
If you require any additional information regarding our venue not found here, please do not hesitate to call our main office at 864.399.0900 during our normal business hours or email us: